After meeting Olga in Moscow, I thought I might try and be a bit more geographically selective, so that, at least, if anything did happen, I could see her more than once and fairly regularly.
Alma and I started chatting on and we seemed to get on very well. I was still based in Toulouse at the time. We arranged a date in my local town in the UK for the next time I was back, which was the coming weekend. At least with Alma, there would be no language barriers and the cultural differences should be minimal. I sent Alma my number, just in case anything happened on the night that meant she was held up.
Within a few minutes, I had a telephone call from her. She was wanting to check out how I sounded and we chatted for about twenty minutes. I wan't quite prepared for the phone call like that. I had been lying low for a couple of months after Olga and this was a bit of a wake up call.
We met near the train station in Huddersfield and went to a few bars. We did seem to continue to get on and the more I drank the more I thought she was attractive. She'd warned me she was a big girl and that she had been a size 10 and gone up to size 20 before now. I'm guessing she was about a 16 when we met. We ended up having a kiss or two and they were very good kisses. At the end of the evening, she drove me back to my house. We texted a lot over that weekend. I was due to fly back to Toulouse from Gatwick, with a stopover at a friends house in south London, so we managed to sneak another date in, before I travelled south on the following Monday. Things got pretty heated in the car and her hands roamed to places that I was uncomfortable with, given there were a couple in the car park a few cars away, blatantly watching us have a good time. Some quite raunchy texts ensued!
The next time I had the chance to see was a couple of weeks later when I was back in the UK. She picked me up from Lincoln train station and we went back to her house. We went out around Lincoln and she started telling me some of her intimate stories, like the time her and her boyfriend had picked up another guy and taken him back to hers. They did what they did and then a couple of weeks later, she got a postcard from the guest with three little piggies on it, which seemed to have spooked her out a bit. She spent quite a lot of time talking about her ex that night, which by rights, I should have become bored with, but she said it in an amusing, self deprecating way, that made it quite amusing. I stayed over and in the morning we talked about when to next get together.
My friend was getting married in the Alps, he'd had a 10 year relationship with his girlfriend and they were finally tying the knot. I drove across from Toulouse to Provence and up to Haute Alpes - what a beautiful part of the world! After the wedding I drove to Geneva and picked Alma up from the Airport. We drove in to the City and went to the Crowne Plaza, which I had booked. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the hotel room. In the evening we went in to town, by now I was getting quite a few texts from my friends at the wedding, wanting an update, so I sneaked off to the bathroom to oblige them. We had a great dinner and then went to the Casino. Another great internet date.
This was followed by another date in Lincoln a couple of weeks later, she was very tactile and I think she was more in to me than I was in to her, the net result was I felt a bit uncomfortable with all the groping that was going on. Anyway, on the way back to Alma's, it started raining so we sheltered in a shop doorway and kissed, quite passionately for a few minutes. We didn't sleep much that night!
The distance proved too much for this particular relationship and we couldn't get to see each other as much as either as would have wanted. After I hadn't heard from Alma for a few weeks, she got in touch to ask if I minded if she saw other people as we didn't seem to be going anywhere. Of course, I said no problem.
Alma and I recently made contact again on Facebook and she is happily married with a son.